Creating an Insights Repository

We needed a hub where qualitative research data could be compiled, tagged, and easily searched. By centralizing research planning and findings in an accessible hub, it democratizes the benefits for all. 

Repository Website

Homepage of the UXR Repo



Content calendar, Raw data repository, Budget planning, Invoices, Video interview clips, Proof of concept


Stakeholder interviews, Contextual inquiry, Comparative analysis


Lead, I was a team of one with allies on multiple teams



  • Create a single source of truth the company can mine to inform better decisions

  • Design a taxonomy to make hundreds of video interviews and written responses easy to search and spot insights



A tool audit based on our unique requirements led me to Airtable. I presented my decision to the director of engineering, chief creative officer, and lead product owner for approval.
I knew I had to find the single best tool to stitch a patchwork of the many tools each department has.



I met with each department to build their (workflows) into the repository:

  • Content calendars

  • Release schedules 

  • Marketing automation plans



The repository heavily relied upon across the company to locate key data and streamline fact-based decision making. 



Now, any department or team can reference all research outreach (future, active, and past). 

  • Better brand continuity

  • Reduced list burnout 

  • Faster fact-based decisions